Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Today happens to be the anti corruption day. What is corruption? As India is often equated with it the world over, may be, to many a people, corruption would refer to the monetary variety. In my opinion, however,  that is an illness that can be easily cured. Tough measures, tight rules and regulations especially by the powers that be, some cultural and sociopolitical will by all the institutions, including the civil society, any country can aspire to Number One @ the Moodies, or any other such index. 

Not so easily curable is the other, the real corruption. It is the dis-ease of the head, of the heart, of the soul which infects those who cannot boast of such mental capacities, to begin with. If at all they have any such contraption, it is of the pigmy size. Such meanies and their cronies can go to any hellish levels to stop the progress of those of a taller stature. As their own line (and/of thinking, if possible to them at all) is real short, and can never ever be lengthened in any positive way as everything else about them, brains to be begin with and character to end with, is small, shrunken, and short, their only satisfaction lies in viciously wiping out others' lines.

 What they, however, forget is that somebody's fortune is not lined up by their mischief. Due to their dastardly cheapness and harassment, a good person may indeed lose opportunities. Though, when one door closes, a better, a bigger gate sure opens for the good, however dis-abled the vile vicious think they may have made you to find themselves victorious. Better to stay away from such( especially  the lady versions) Iago's and their subtle net spread and cast much worse than the spiders'.

I can think of a much worse corruption though. In my opinion, this kind of corruption is the real taint that one must protect oneself from.The worst corruption in my opinion lies in allowing the bad to make you worse, to be like them, to be their spitting image. Momentary anger is obviously okay. But they must not be able to 'de-sign' you like them in any way. One must have the strength of purpose and character to better one's earlier self due to the temporary setback thus suffered, learn from it, strengthen oneself in areas one realises one needs to work on, and be a better version of oneself by the day. Thus can corruption be conquered.

Pratima@ the real corruption is the image/by you yourself mirrored vague!

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