Thursday, December 30, 2021

Grunt on! Who cares?

 There are always funny people around you. Actually, you are not even interested in, you are, in fact, least concerned with their being there. Often you do not even  have any, forget contact, basic acquaintance with them. Most probably, they are being paid directly and/or indirectly to keep a close watch on you. No, the intention behind that close watch is not to help you in the tough times. On the contrary, their handlers cum masters are paying them to harass you. 

These creeps know more about you than you do about yourself. They would stand on the street/lane next to your house, and keep on guffawing loudly amongst themselves about  how you sleep the whole day! Yet another favourite theme is how you are going to be thrown out of your job, for instance. They know absolutely every aspect of/about your nonexistent Love Life!They would not be decent enough to upfront take your name. That dignified transparency is priceless. Where will they gain it at all? Not possible in the next ten lives for them. 

Such stupid smear campaigns about what you do/are, actually never do/have been,  go on daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, decades long! If the intention is to break you, the cheap skates do not realise that they, their handlers/masters, their useless intentions do not even exist for you. Their stupid remarks, however loudly made, are so brainless that you tend to completely ignore them, and you continue (with) your preferred activities, your clean life style, and go about all that you want to do anyways. Yes, it is utterly useless picking a fight with such weirdos for  whom the new technology is a vicious tool of harassment. May be, that ugly fight is what they always want so that thus they can continue canards they love to spread. Does anyone believe them? If some do, then those faithful believers are also as cheap as these hecklers. Both absolutely to be ignored!

Otherwise, it would be the same old story of fighting with a hog. The pig enjoys the fight, anyways, but you are unnecessarily rolled in the ugly, sticky mud! Why bother!?! 

Pratima@remember the Kabir Doha, "hathi chalat apni chal/gali ke kutte bhonkat jai" Aai and Papa had both quoted it to me!

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