Sunday, December 12, 2021

Education, ahoy!

 We all, whatever age group we may belong to, whether some "guys n babes" as they call themselves, and others, who are just pretending to be 'oh so young', or those actually young, or those ageing gracefully,  all of us believe that we love to hate the social media. I do not belong to that vast majority.

True, I do not hang out on the FB though I am  apparently supposed to have four accounts there. I am not even on the twitter or the insta. Yet I would say that the wapp university need not always be a waste of time. True, most often, on wapp groups members do forward for the heck of it or for sheer time pass. The likes and dislikes there can be deceptive, too. I have a slightly different take on it. I am the type who believes that even the jokes popular on the social media teach us a lot. For one thing, such a joke or two lets you know the way the wind is blowing. It, moreover, reveals the mindset of the common man as those of us living in ivory towers believe others to be. For all you know, Prashant Kishore may thus be guessing whether or not "khela hobe". Who knows?

We do have two celebrities at least who rule all that they survey on the social media. Chetan Bhagat is one of them, while the other is THE Shashi Tharoor of the fab vocab variety. True, the social media does not have the sanctity of a university. For sure! Yet it does provide an informal training of its own, and nestled within your palm and with your index finger. True, indeed, no knowledge ever goes waste!

Pratima@ never alone/alone, all all  alone/ are you on the social media/awaiting you for sure is some trivia!

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