Saturday, December 18, 2021


 How unique is this phenomenon called memories! Life, you think, is getting back on rails. Oh, no, not at all indeed! Suddenly an intense memory hits you like a huge tsunami wave, gulping down the nascent routine. Past once again becomes present.

The curious aspect of a memory is that you remember the minutest details with a vividness that is absolutely astonishing. You feel as if you are back at that place, in that moment. You know very well that you must rule your emotions, and not the other way round. Such shores of banal common sense are washed off in a trice though. You are the same sobbing -to- yourself simpleton.

Suppose, when in the throes of such strong memories, better to submit to them. May be, they are an inevitable stage of grieving, a step out of the trauma. Necessary, though painful!Bear them  to overcome them, however slowly.

Pratima@penning pain!

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