Friday, December 24, 2021

Online Learning

 Oh, no, please do not think that I am going to grumble or eulogize the teaching/learning processes of the online variety. Not at all.

Rather, I am going to discuss a lesson or two I learnt online today. Well, I wanted to send eats as a Santa surprise. Simple, clean wish! So searched for the Dunzo. They promptly cut Rs. 35/- online for registration.No one came for quite some time. So called up the supposedly Dunzo office nearby, that is, Bibvewadi, as found on the google. It was open, too. So the guy online kept on saying that since their  representative who just did the vanishing trick after having come to my address, the money would be returned. He kept on repeating the offer, and started sending forms and  online e-addresses to my wapp number. The very second form along was declared fake by the wapp message system. I also got a message by the bank that there was an order placed for osmepherpn by me which I had not. So I immediately reported  it as fraud. So the messages stopped. Tomorrow I am going to the main office to get my Rs. 35/- back.

In the meanwhile, we fast couriers offered to deliver the goods. The guy took the booking money from me, said that he wd require one more client so that he gets the petrol money back, then he said he wd deliver my parcel first, then the second that side, he did not take my signature, said he did it himself, I repeatedly told him the address orally, it was written in block letters on the bag, I had entered the entire address in the message box of the app, too. 

He said his Name is mahalinga(m?!?). He said he wd deliver the order i had booked first, and then go to the second order when I called him at 8.30. Then he started saying it was not Baner area, then said he had taken up another assignment so that he can manage the return to pune tariff, will complete it first.  After many a prevarication and somersaults about being in Baner, he finally delivered at 10.40. 

Let us imagine he went to Baner even after ten times  my having said that it was near Nexa show room and Sakal Nagar, how much time and petrol wd be needed from Baner, or from Sus Road as he initially said, to reach Nexa show room? Tops fifteen minutes, thirty minutes? He needed two hours! After every half an hour, when I called him, he had a new story!How much Petrol for 10 kms? Tops would be Rs.25/-

If he comes prancing tomorrow for more money, I am going to ask him for the company office address. Earlier, too, the guy from the same company read the address wrongly, and started giving me lectures. He also read my, sender's  address as the target address, and was giving me lectures!

If we are boasting about the new online economy, what security, is there for the honest common citizen whose hard earned money is to be thus pilfered, phished? How about the simple desire for good wishes reaching on time going waste? Do not clients have any rights? 

If the representative did not want to deliver, he need not have accepted in the first place! Why lie about Sus Road? What has Sus Road got to do with Baner Road? They are absolutely different areas! And from either place to Nexa show room, cannot require 125 looooong minutes!

The online trade, the crypto-currency are thus horrors intended, it is thus clear, to hoodwink the honest common citizen indeed! There has to be an transparent, genuine openness about such transactions. Otherwise, the system, daily lived, would get corrupt and inefficient, and daily disbelieved, and thus disbelieving it would be the soul of the system, the common citizen. Hope the government goes for checks and balances to contra/counter-attack such jugaads and chicaneries!

Pratima@deception, duplicity/must not get                       the systemic authenticity!

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