Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Gossip Mongers

 In the terrible world today, there are horrible people of all varieties. There are hypocrites, there are cowards, there are swindlers,  but the worst ones of all such crudities are the gossip mongers. Why? They try to steal an identity through their vicious nonsense, that is why!

Why do these cheapies gossip? They do not have anything else to do or discuss, that is why. A person busy with her own life would not even have the time to gossip about anybody else. A person with truckloads of vacant time on hand usually swindles it thus.

Yet another possibility is that such cheapsters are psychologically maladjusted. Absolutely useless, worthless, and unsuccessful in their own lives, personally and professionally, they need to show a better person down so that they get a vicarious, vicious pleasure by spreading notorious nonsense about others. They themselves, their immediate family and its meanness do not need to face the light if they can steal some innocent, absolutely unrelated person's limelight. 

An example can be Iago, the ultimate Guru of gossip mongers. It is his vicious, jealous, evil gossip that ruins an innocent life. Often compared to a vulture or a hyena, he is actually an insult incarnate to the clean animal world that lives by the gut actually. While guts is precisely what the worthless gossip mongers lack!

How to deal with them? They would never have the daring to do or say anything openly. The best way hence is to ignore them completely. If they can be exposed by a direct confrontation, it is worth it, too. Ideally, it should be recorded, too, so that they can thereafter be shamed with/in their own petard. The worst vengeance, however, against such third rate fools is to become better by the second literally so that their tar can never darken our bright image, while never overlooking the fact that only worthless people as meanies as the gossip mongering cheapskates would believe them. None believes the gossip mongers and their ilk anyways as all know the truth in their silly, dirty minds if at all that contraption can be so called at all! So worry a nary about the cheapos. Without and instead of them, let your wor(l)ds grow!

Pratima@gossip monger, gossip monger, go                       away/ your lies here have no sway

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