Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Of pride and prejudice

 No, I am not talking today of the Jane Austen classic which continues to be one of my favourite most reads. Each time one (re)reads it, the novel allows a newer version of the wor(l)ds contained in those delightful and much loved pages.

Right now, however, the novel is not the focus of this blog.The blog today deals with a unique presentiment of the contemporaneous context.The mores of today are marked by a curious binary. Everywhere it is the 'with us' or 'against us' positioning. Let me give you an example of this 9/11 kinda argument. You are either pro Trump or anti Trump, for instance. In such a discussion are overlooked such  subtle points as an honest critique of the real difference, if any at all,  between the economic/financial /social preferences/policies of either the Republicans or the Democrats.  Actually, there is hardly much of a qualitative difference in both these flip sides of that much used coin, the American dream. Both are butlers at the MNC/TNC unholy alliances the world over crossing all the borders of the nation states. But the current scenario is such that Trump is all evil and Biden is the pre-lapsarian Adam! Anyway, who cares about Afganisthan? Such a huge drain on the economy for such a long time! Convenient half truths rule the roost everywhere! 

This rhetoric is echoing the world over. Pandemic? Anti China or you are not normal! Who then cares for the fact that trans-national pharmaceutical companies could have played a subtly vicious role in the entire 'profit-able' scenario. China, moreover, leads,nay, rules the manufacturing sector! Facts forgotten  conveniently! Sacrificed at the altar of the 'white versus black', 'we or they' mantra that has vitiated the discourse.

In India, for instance, everybody is accusing everybody else of all that is possibly vicious in the whole world. Given such proctoring of the processes of discussion, in an argumentative country like ours, truth goes for a toss, given the agitated and vicious attacks on each other.

Currently there is no realisation on any side that reality is never black nor white. A dull gray, it  is a delicate balance of kaleidoscopic fragments. So divided is the polity now that any such calibrated deliberation is marked by its absence! Pride only for/in my vision is actually nothing but a mere prejudice!But who cares for such fine tuning in the din that is all sound and fury, signifying nothing!

Pratima@when we accuse anyone, three fingers of our own hands hit our own palms!

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