Saturday, February 5, 2022

Worth a retort?

  I am sure you, too, must have had to suffer irritating wonky cheapos who never ever seem to get the message. Thicker than rhinos are their skins. Nothing has an impact, however much and openly you may show/declare your disgust at their stupid, cheapie, wonky self-obsession.

They would spread the silliest of rumours about you. Funnier than them are the fools who (for monetary  and/or profession related reasons or for free food and liqueur?) choose to believe them even when the truth is crying out clear and loud  in their face. 

It is but obvious that both these versions of crooks of all genders have a lot of time on hand. How do they support themselves even after being thrown out or dismissed from their own workplace? It has to be the stashed away mollah illegally gotten by self and  types of wifey-ies of all genders, for certain people!

Their ugly lives become and are stinking eyesores. To hide these, they love to tarnish others with the same brush, I believe. Such creeps are indeed a pain in the neck. How to deal with them? Mostly I ignore them. Their silly stupid ugly comments are not going to drill holes in your skin, right?

But what if they think that your ignoring them is your weakness? It is then that in multiple ways they should be made to suffer a retort, right and proper. May be, the I/T department should meet them? At times, I feel, telling them, and theirs, half truths is also a strategy if they are encroaching the workplace.

 I had this awful distant  relative who would go and directly talk with the topmost authority about me, but never ever  with me, mind you,  under the guise of caring. What/why his real purpose was, I would not know. I feel after death, when they go to hell, Satan also must be shuddering at such horrors. To such people, it is worth it by showing them up by telling them half truths?

Whatever might be their motives, jealousy, envy born out of their competitiveness,  revenge for an imaginary harm since you never had anything to do with them, sadism, megalomania, craze for power, germane time pass and fun, desire to hide their ugliest lives and 'preferences', they should not be ignored because they can weave a mesh of lies that may trap fools who, too, could make your life tough.

 Confront them, if and when possible, with solid proof could be a strategy, too. No use explaining either to them or their disciples of all varieties. Beyond that, there is justice in this vast universe! Black magic and/or evil eye needs to be revealed sooner, and not later! Anyways, such praxis would bounce back on the initiator even when it was meant to harm you!

Pratima@ why suffer fools?

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