Monday, February 14, 2022

Why the hatred?

 If one wants to comprehend love, one has to first apprehend its antonym, hatred. I have never ever understood, despite lots of  self analysis, self critique, self questioning, why xyz hates me!?! I keep on fine combing my conscience, which possible cause/reason did I provide this gentleman or that woman (difficult to call her 'a lady', and my keyboard cannot type 'that female', given my aversion to the term) that he or she and/or he and she hate me SO MUCH? 

Whatever you do or do not do irritates or bothers such people. Let me give you an instance. If they are travelling the same road and if there is no easy means of transport in sight/site, why do they hate one so much that they would wonder repeatedly and aloud if there is enough space in the regular size car for five people!?! 

After the  rare "lift kara de" in the car, which is so obviously shown to be against their will,  either they would sit in such a way that they  would literally push you out or sit on the edge of the seat as if you are so fat (though actually you could beat Kareena Kapoor black and blue when it comes to zero figure) that you are occupying the entire seat! They would drop you at the nearest bus stop (while all along reciting names of the first bus stop in sight though actually they would not even acknowledge otherwise that the PMT exists) as if you are the most unwanted thing the cat got home!

 If you were to enquire about the area, they would contemptuously misguide you in the most discourteous way. Actually, such grandees never ever bother to talk even that much to you. The mobile screen is always more attractive to them though you are indeed well known for your intelligence, wisdom and creativity. Why such behaviour? Any answers?

When it comes to serving food, the woman of such a variety would always forget to prepare a dish for you or repeatedly, occasion after occasion, which you attend out of goodness, decency and love, or family tradition, give you such small size(d) dish as if she is afraid that if you were given the regular dish, you might have an appetite larger than Bheema, and you might eat up all the food, while in reality, you never eat plain rice, and never consume more than tops two chapatis! 

 Why such hatred indeed? Such women are, moreover, so modern that even the occasional prasad, be it satyanarayana or shradha, is without fail a buffet! Anyway, she would throw food at you or serve it so hot that you cannot eat it for half an hour. The firm belief she openly reveals is that you go there to eat! As if you do not have food at your own home!

Or is the woman afraid that you might repeatedly darken the threshold of her house, sure, it is no 'home'? Well, you go there, may be, three to four times tops a year! If at all some occasion forces you to stay there, she, through, uh, her stooges, literally drives you out asap as if you might eat up everything if you were allowed to stay a minute longer. You might not even have washed your hand after the lunch, and immediately she or her stooge(s) would start advising you to leave, pretending, moreover, that it is for your own good as if resting after lunch is no good for you!

If you reach a little late because there is no bus (it would not occur to such wonders that travelling alone in a hired taxi could not exactly be safe), nobody would talk to you, none would offer you a glass of water or place to sit despite your having reached there in the blazing hot sun. If such people are so concerned about their time, they should come and fetch you, or invite you to stay overnight, right?  If you were to go there uninvited, even God would not be able to help you, given the inexplicable behaviour even when you are invited or you go there on/due to an occasion!

Are you a financial burden on them? Absolutely no way! Have you pinched their share of anything? Not at all. In fact, the woman would go out of her way to snatch away your professional and/or creative jobs through her contacts, though, of course, utmost foolish and stupid are the concerned authorities who would lose a proven wonderful hand to please 'her'! Is your family grown upwards through the largesse of that woman? Not a single pai! Nor in any way! Are you not gifting them at all? Exactly the opposite. They would anyways throw away or consciously not at all use your  precious(or, rather for them pricey would matter, I suppose) gift. Such a 'lady' would, in fact, choose the cheapest stuff as a gift, that, too, only when it is inevitable, for you as if you are a beggar. Why? Why then? No use repeating Yeats!

If they have a pet, and you commit the sin of loving the poor thing, and some three to four times a year, you give him a few biscuits or toasts, you are treated worse than all the villains in every sick film or they would drag the poor animal in the most cruel way, almost strangulate him if he moves an inch towards you or not give him a sip/drop of water.

Why? Why such naked hatred? Are they very young and so do not understand how they are behaving? No way! Have you spread any rumour against them? NO because that is the prerogative of the woman which she lets loose most willingly and repeatedly! Then why? Why such vicious meanness?

 Actually, the woman's exhibited performance with others would make one put not just one finger but the entire fist in one's mouth out of surprise! These people are niceness and goodness personified with others who are actually in no way a patch on you any which way. Why? Indeed, why? Why the conscious and knowing and organized attempt to demean, to insult you again and again and again? 

Pratima@As the poets put it, either the world is creepy or you are living in a dream that they are trying their utmost to turn in to a nightmare!

P.S. 1: If the woman's mother advises her to behave so, is the woman always so obedient?

P.S. 2 : Company indeed has a great effect, especially of the bad variety. The Marathi proverb, never the virtues but the vices are most infectious, is indeed true.

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