Monday, February 21, 2022

The World Mother Tongue Day

 Come February 21, and unmistakable are the memories of my Language Lab students celebrating it in a huge way. The kids were real enthusiastic, you had to help them with  just the outline, tell them the overall  structure of the programme, sit with them and practise with them the sentences in different languages,for example. They would deck up that way, learn a few sentences in some other language, perform them on the stage, and what have you. 

It used to be fun every year, but it was real special one World Mother Tongue day. We had a plethora of programmes, the sarasvati stotra in "yaman", " we shall overcome" in English, German, French, and Hindi (the entire auditorium including the Co-Ordinator joining in), the "vide, vide witte bum bum" song, jokes about "falsche Freunde", spanish/French songs, individual and group dances,the works, in brief. The high point, however, were the mimes.  The whole hall was ringing with laughter, fun, joy,enthusiasm, the very youthful feel.

What I loved about the performances was the fact that none of my students was the Purushottam Karandak Star Performer, much cosseted, much conceited, much admired, much praised and pampered. But in NO WAY was my bunch INFERIOR. In fact, they were far, far superior as we had no support, no facilities. Just to get the keys of the hall (despite all the proper modes being followed in writing) for the dry run was a huge task. Nobody would co-operate, nobody would help. But Nothing, absolutely nothing, could diminish the spirit of our team. Students practised in the language lab, in the corridors, on the steps, on the lawns. No wonder, the final product pulsated with that vibrant youthful energy. 

A great day, it was a wonderful celebration of the power of language(s) so much so that an Afghan girl, my German student, spoke in pure Marathi when she responded to the multiple versions of " we shall overcome".  Thus we could include hundreds of students while celebrating very many mother tongues.  Happy memories indeed!

Pratima@ bliss it was to be present in the hall/to be a youthful performer was the very heaven!

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