Friday, February 25, 2022

The Pity of War

 Yet again begins yet another war. Such is its proportion and contours that it appears like a throw back to the Cold War era. May be, Russia wants back the 'glory' of the USSR, lost in its opinion in the wake of the Tiananmen Square and the Fall of the Berlin War of the late 1980's era. China, its so far discreet partner in crime, is no longer merely a discreet Commie Ally. Its expansionist market controlling moves are no secret. In fact, the fear the world over is Ukraine is a lesson China would perfect In Taiwan.

After 9/11 and after Afghanistan, the U.S. would not want a war, but it must flex its muscles in distant Europe, yet again war ground after the World War II. And yet much water has flown under the bridge. The times, and most importantly, war technologies, have drastically changed, become more lethal.

What has Not changed is 'the pity of war, the pity war distilled' as the shell shocked poets of the first world war would put it. The tragic realities of the trenches were horrors that scarred a generation. But much worse was the intense realisation that as the bigwigs played their stupid games that led to a tragic war that had precious little to do with glory, either at the individual or the national level.

Pratima@ a new fever arises in the Post Pandemic stage, the latest, the newest version of war fever!

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