Monday, February 28, 2022

Science can be fun!

 On the Science Day, let us the  seriousness laugh away. 

1) A proton is walking up and down the railway platform. "Want any help," a coolie asks him. "Thank you. No need. I travel light," says the proton! Ha! Ha! Ha!

2) When Oxygen and Magnesium go out, it is an "OMg" moment! Ho!Ho!Ho!

3)An acid with an attitude is known as: A-mean-oh acid! He!He!He!

4) A frog goes to an astrologer. The man says,"Very soon a very beautiful girl would love to know all about you." "Where?," asks the super elated frog. Answers the astrologer, tongue firmly in cheek, "In the biology lab, on the dissection table."

5) On Feb 14, the girlfriend of a chemist exclaims,"love is in the air." "No, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide are in the air," he immediately corrects her. 

Sure, science, too, can be, and is, FUN!

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