Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Yesterday I saw a lovely cartoon. It showed a fish outside its container, sharing its bit of water with another fish. The tagline was: help others even when they cannot help you back.

The tagline made me feel both, a sense of satisfaction and a sense of confusion. Well, the satisfaction bit came from the fact that one always tries to help, family, friends, others, why, even flora and fauna. One always tries to be just and fair. So far, so good. That is the way it has to be, too.

The confusion comes from the fact that most often, even when everybody knows how straightforward and clean you are, none wants to help you. Why could it be so? After much thought, I have arrived at the conclusion that one occupies in their mind only that much space wherein they can further jump to their advantage.

Well, be it so. The fun lies in giving, than taking. So let it continue. So it was, and so will it be.

pratima @ paid or genuine/ a smile is a smile!

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