Sunday, February 13, 2022

Eve of St. Valntine:What a day!

 It is yet again that time of the year

  When people die to call someone 'dear'

  In most bonds, is there any real strength?

  While to celebrate it, go they to any length?

Oh, alas, oh, alas, Saint who was crucified

As to save others' love, Thee, fervently tried

How you would rue to see a market

Booming with goodies, for nirvana a ticket

Hearts, roses, candies, gems flood the shops

The costliest to Buy, guys-n-gals madly hop

Tokenism mattereth, real love is a frost

Mea culpa, Keats, in the din, a poem lost!

Victory of goodies shines like a shooting Star

Wishing false glory, the real feel a mere scar!

Pratima@Sonnet?Limerick? or vice versa?

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