Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tight trite!

 How to behave in this big, bad world? You are a gentle soul. You love being genuine. You hate being consciously cruel to anyone. Amicable, amiable but sensible is your pattern of thinking and being.

That does not mean you are stupid though. If people are genuinely concerned for your well being, you understand that good vibe. You are heartily thankful as well. At the same time, if that concern for you is actually a cover up for someone else whom the showmanship is trying to protect in a subtle mafioso fashion, you just chuckle and leave it at that.

You do understand that a fool or two --- who is bothering you for no rhyme no reason (you have hardly exchanged three sentences with such crooks in some thirty years) but just because his inflated ego is trite --- continues to be centrally important to others for certain solid reasons, and you never had any quarrel with that locus standi, the(ir) status quo. 

At the same time, why allow all to ride rough shod over truth because it suits their personal interests from day one? So you are absolutely aloof from the whole of it. No connect whatsoever! May be, their conscience troubles, hurts them!

 Any person with something approaching a mind knows deep within that (s)he has been party to a genuine injustice and has chosen to harass someone absolutely innocent, may be? People may laugh and laugh, and yet be guilty.

Otherwise, they would have questioned the perpetrator(s) whom they perfectly very well know. They would not silently look on because they have to be grateful to the (s)he creep(s). They would, if not confront, counsel the big bully spreading shitty nonsense through very subtle, skillful modes. 

Well, evil happens,and continues, not merely because there were the baddies, the perpetrators, but equally because there were silent spectators who knew the truth, and yet secretly cheered on the violence as it suited them. They are their own worst judges! 

 Pratima@Let us be the gentlest/ Let us be the toughest/ Let us bow down to the Truth/That is the greatest!

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