Sunday, June 5, 2022

The authentic, the genuine environment day

 Yes, it is the world environment day. It was there last year, it has been there the year before last, during the Covid, before the Covid, after the Covid, for years, nay, for decades. And yet not much has changed. The positive change, if at all it is there, is like the mythical statues that move an inch forward, while shifting two inches backward.

Why, why is it that every year the same ritual continues 'from the last page onwards'? What is it that is lacking? In my opinion, it is the real spirit that is missing, and the world over. It is my submission that the real, the authentic environment day never happens.

Instead what we have, the world over, is the mere spectacle, the comforting band-aid, never the cleansing 'treatment'. Do we ever develop, ever build the authentic, the genuine mindset that would address the real issues that make a world environment day necessary at all?

Instead we have a mere chore, the duty dusted off and done with, the annual ritual. Do we really want answers to burning questions, especially if they are extremely uncomfortable? Instead better to believe it hardly happened, and release, oh, yes, a narrative that, the (oh, indeed, yes,) "eco" system (how so very convenient, right?) would repair itself!

Lost already to 'meta-verses', have our (non-existent actually?) consciences dulled themselves to huge injustices not merely against the environment, but against the very notion of genuine existence? 

When, and how, would change the environment, the ambience full of falsehoods, of injustices heaped on innocents, of wicked selfish (hi)stories that ruin possibilities of (a better) future? Till that distant dream is realised, long live the conspiratorial consumption crazy market-mad(e) rituals!

Pratima@Paradigms must shift positively,                         only then can praxis change                                genuinely.


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