Friday, June 24, 2022

Faith is truth, Faith is beauty, and that is all needs to know a true devotee!

 The blog today refers to one of the most positive events to date,  the annual Palkhi procession, the sign post of the Bhakti tradition in Maharashtra. Set out in real glory after the Corona disruption, this afternoon, the procession passes through the Dive Ghat, a quite difficult pass in the local mountain range.

Two aspects of this stage of the palakhi procession are remarkable. First and foremost, the warkari's, ordinary people, not trained trekkers or some such specialists, manage this real difficult trek only because of their faith. A great example this trek is of what genuine belief, true faith can do.

The second aspect is the lovely look of the procession in the ghat area. The sight of the multitudinous devotees in simple Maharashtrian dress, with the ochre pennants atop their shoulders managing the dangerous curves of the mountainous pass is indeed a divine vision.

 Aai used to love it. She would unmistakably watch it on the multi-channel t.v. Indeed the lovely sight, full of colour, divine  incantations, the rhythmic movements of the tired yet determined feet give a unique succour to the soul even when you are not a committed devotee.  A sight to behold, to feel indeed!

Pratima@ Faith is truth,Faith is beauty and that is all  needs to know a true devotee! May the tribe of such events increase in numbers, grow day by day!


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