Sunday, June 26, 2022

Junk Stuff

Junk stuff is indeed no kid stuff, they say. Not so sure any longer. In my opinion, across age, region, religion, class, city/country,  gender kinda typical traditional binaries, drug addiction is quite common. Literally can be counted on fingers the lucky ones who never needed any such artificial high's.

Drug addiction is here, and to stay. It takes very many forms and routes. Cigarette to cocaine, every a, b, c to z, each alphabet practically has some association of 'drug doing', rendering the poor alphabet ridiculous. 

Why do people do drugs? Mostly, it is some extremely silly, most immature desire to be and to look cool, or is it hot, babe!?! Actually, only genuinely stupid people can think that a druggie, a junkie is either modern and/or smart.

Actually, such stupido's are downright weirdo's. Silly jerks they are who cannot even control their own reactions and responses. Any form of addiction, every drug dependence is proof of a very weak mentality, a crybaby who cannot face up to life and its unavoidable difficulties and problems, a weak fool who loves the victim card, in brief.

Such asses, especially teenagers who can fight with their elders over every minor tiff, would not have that strength of character, that sense of purpose when it comes to saying a firm "no" to drug abuse. 

We, as the society on the whole, have granted drinking, smoking, doing drugs a kind of downright shitty (Sorry for the non-parliamentary term. Well, it alone captures the weird abusers) glamour. There are hookah parlours, for example when the yo-gang needs to appear traditional, and then there are swanky joints when the fools feel hep.

No addiction can be creative, no drug dependence can co-ordinate new ideations. In fact, it can lead to complete and total ruin every which way. That is at the individual level. It destroys the foolish addict as well as an entire family.

Very difficult it would be to get out of such habit formation. Luckily some genuine de-addiction centers that are truly humane, and not mere fleece fellows are available. Basically, it is important to realise that this human life, evolved over eons and ages, is very brief and unpredictable. Why waste it over anti-social, anti-self nonsense? So many causes that require total dedication can give a genuine high. 

Beware bizzare bonds that addictions of all sorts bury you in! Life is such a special gift, a precious prize. Why waste it on some simply stupid stuff?!?

Pratima@International cartels via cannabis routes to cocaine mafiosi make their mollah at the cost of fools who are narcissistic and self obsessed in their desire of destroying the destinies of themselves and those foolish enough to care for them!

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