Wednesday, June 29, 2022

A friend forever!

 FINDING a true friend is indeed a tough job. Don't you believe me? Ask our constant companion of the last two years, the great Mr. Corona! Had the whole world in thrall. Could it get a good friend though? None at all. Enemies in the shapes and sizes of many a vaccine emerged everywhere though! Well, that is the way of life on this earth. No exceptions at all. Not even the mighty corona! Ha! Sardonic remarks apart, true friendship is indeed rare! Enemies of all shades and sizes would proliferate like the weed, but that rose bush called friendship is a prized possession indeed.

Immediate family, I would say, is the best friendship circle. Well, misunderstandings in this sphere wither away, faster than the Marxist state. Your bro and sis can support you through the thick and thin, come rain come sunshine. They know you from the Adam, too. So they advise you better, too, as they belong to your generation, and know the in's and out's of the contemporary realities, may be, more than your parents, I would say.

Beyond that intimate circle, however much you nurture it, friendship is pretty rare. Bon homie, born(e) mostly from convenience, may spring up here and there. It is hardly frindship though. Such friends are fair weather for one thing, they would use you like the tissue paper, to be thrown away when their purpose is served. The larger family, cousins and all, are more jealousy personified types most often. They can never see you in a happy mode/mood, and would try their level best to "wat laga denge", to try and destroy to their heart's content, if they have that contraption at all, that is. Their  "rate" of happiness rises with every misfortune of yours. If such is so called extended family, can colleagues or neighbours be far behind in despising you?   

Who can be the best friend in such a scenario? In addition to pets, I would say the best of books, the best of films, the best of music, the best ideas, for instance. One is thus in the "bestest" company eternally for one thing, and yet another great aspect about these wondrous friendships is that you can meet them anew each time. The nicest asset of this friendship in my opinion, however, is that it introduces you to your greatest friend ever, your own thinking, critiqueing, imagining, deeply feeling self! Thus you are closer to the Maker, of a happy, fulfilling universe. Long live true friendship!

Pratima@Friend inside is friend indeed!

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