Thursday, June 16, 2022


 We cannot always choose the music life plays for us. Certainly, however, we can choose how we dance to that beat. A rather common quote with a rather obvious metaphor, right? Why have I begun this blog today with it then, you may wonder.

Well, often people use such borrowed music to drown some genuine tune and the ecstatic performance of an innocent person who is demonised, victimised  for the simple reason that such vain people think that the hugely talented person, not born with a golden spoon in his/ her mouth, is somehow inferior.

Ultimate ridiculous shallowness it is to subtly/not-so-subtly,  directly/indirectly to belittle any person just because (s)he was not born in a family with the right connections and with slightly deeper  pockets. Honestly, how many Tata-Birla's are there on this earth? 

A bias, hence,  that consists of showing off one's birth-born(e), inherited, and not acquired, assets sounds silly and reveals a quite stupid snob, a personality with sheer small shadows.To be pitied than praised!

Pratima@ Class born trumpery beggars human beings the most.

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