Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Bicycle day

 Apparently tomorrow, June 3, is the bicycle day. Interesting! I often wonder though who possibly could think of such days. Must be the brainwave of the UNO! Gets executed wonderfully by all the constituent nations, though.

Fun should be the idea. College students and arty types would tomorrow be riding the bicycle to college, classes and ateliers. Pune would once again be the city of cycles, at least for a day!

The pollution quotient may come down, too, for a day at least. So nobody would look at each other most suspiciously even if one merely clears one's throat behind the mask.

Actually abroad, for example, in Germany, per week, a day is reserved as the vehicles free day. Hope, tomorrow, Pune, like the sixties' films such as "Anari", would once again play musical chairs on the road (better than the usual road rage) that would  echo with the "tring, tring" of cycle bells, a much missed sound since landline phones and cycles went out of fashion!

Pratima@Nostalgia can visit us in multiple avatars, be it sight or sound or semantics! So some other day a write up on that greatest film ever  "The Bicycle Thief"!

1 comment:

  1. There are many benefits of riding a bicycle, it keeps you fit. Happy bicycle day! :))


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