Sunday, June 19, 2022

Tribute to Papa

 He walked in duty, be it the blazing sun

 Of the blistering summer or the lashing rain

 And all that is the best of love and goodness

 Met in his stature and his mind.

 Thus mellowed in fatherhood

 His disciplined ways he bid.

 No mission nary,  no duty the less 

 Never he evaded his steadfast ways

 His truthful soul, his honest heart

 Always for his children beat.

 Gentle he was of soul, tender of heart

 Never was harsh, and had no crafty art.

 His thoughts were serene, his ideals high

Missing him much, well, we can only sigh.

And in his vision for us he forever dreamt

Of the best and the brightest and the honest 

His simple ways, his straightforward days

A tale of a life in goodness spent 

A mind at peace with godly grace

 His path we try our best to trace!

Pratima@Every tribute, Papa, you deserve                        words hardly my purpose serve! 


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