Saturday, June 25, 2022

A touching tribute to optimism and positivity

 She had a truly fresh perspective on everything that was part of her small, little world. And what a world it was! So very small but it included the entire range of human(e) existence .

Yes, you guessed it right. I am talking of Anne Frank. Reading her simple but lively diary is an enriching experience. It shows the true triumph of the human spirit that sings like a free bird even when caged in the most cruel way.

What is truly endearing about Anne's diary is that it never sighs about the past, nor sobs about the present. Instead it eternally dreams of a happy future. That indefatigable optimism is the real strength of this          wonderful book.

Yet another aspect of Anne's diary that makes you her fan forever is that it never criticises, condemns her motherland for the unforgivable cruelties heaped on a helpless and hapless life. Instead, in the diary, there is such a genuine celebration of every experience that her reader, too, forgets the sufferings. 

Indeed impossible is this forgiving of the horrors,  but Anne manages it most comfortably as she forgets forever the dark night engulfing the very existence, and instead sings paeans to all that marks a new, happy beginning every nano second!

Her writing wipes out a tragedy that questioned humanity itself. Instead the diary is a comedy in the divine sense, full of small but sincere joy and a deep peace born of forgetfulness of wrongs!

"Inspite of everything," writes Anne Frank, "I believe that everyone is good at heart". No wonder, we feel like celebrating such indefatigable optimism and peace born of forgetting the crooked oddities born out of vicious cruelties.

Pratima@Anne's diary defi(n)es all that is harsh and cruel in the gentlest way full of positivity, joy and love.

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