Friday, July 1, 2022


 How easily people lie, right? In a way, from their personal perspective, it is ok and natural, too. What I find rather interesting is the fact that no occasion is holy enough for them not to lie!

Such are the times right now that only the nuisance value of a person matters, never the positivities. A third rate, banal person, with the  least good qualities but with huge nuisance value is catered to these days. And, believe me, politicians are the least culprits in this area! 

Personal relationships to academics, no field is safe from the attack of this virus. In fact, it is the acutest in these areas. So called relatives to colleagues would treat a genuine person like a hot potato, while they would lick the dirtiest feet of the vilest person because that wonderful soul (if that contraption at all exists in either the boot licker or boot lickee) has a huge nuisance value.

Given such realities and the extreme self-centred contexts currently, it is but natural and normal that most all people lie through the teeth, and every other possible organ with whatever crevices! The best way, i suppose, is to subtly let them know that you know the truth, but choose to laugh off the(ir) lie because you know which way the bread is buttered for such creepos.

Personally I am of the opinion that it is better to keep quiet than to prevaricate knowingly, but each to his/her own modus operandi. One day not very far away, for such people, realities are going to mock at their own reflections (in both senses of the term) viciously, which is no lie at all!

Pratima@ Why so much so obviously lie?                            Give instead decency a try!

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