Saturday, July 23, 2022


 What takes you away from your goals? Your  daily to long term plans? At times, it could be situations beyond your control. You might have planned to go out, for example. You are all ready, and then it gets dark and cloudy. You have just gotten okay-ish after fever,while the cough and cold are lingering still. Prudence takes over, and you remove the chappals and your readiness for the plan.

Sometimes, it is the unnecessarily hurtful crude and rude behaviour and vibes of the so-called near and dear ones. Before you could even explain why you are undertaking a particular action, such people, for no rhyme and reason, block you out of explanation. Should not you accept your non-existence for such people rather than be disturbed by such consciously alienating behaviour even when you are not a burden on them in any way?

That brings you face to face with the real distractor, your mind. You must have enough control over the mind. You must not allow it to get hurt or angry  or to wander because of the conscious misbehaviour of any one, including your own self. 

Let me give an example. When we know what we are supposed to do as per the plan, and yet we listen to our mind and its childish insistence for just one more (any thing it could be, a chocolate to whatever), we are ill treating ourselves, the worst crime, and, yes, the greatest distractor it is.

Yes, Milton has already stated it most tellingly, and once and for all. The mind is in its place, and makes heaven of hell, and vice versa.

Pratima@Control your mind, and the                                 distractors would be in the auto                         control mode.

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