Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 How things change, and how very fast! Till March, 2020, as a teacher, one was irritated if students used a mobile during a lecture. In fact, many disciplined institutions confiscated the instruments if students used the mobiles during lectures. There used to be barriers in the form of firewalls!

Come the end March 2020 (in Pune, March 21, 2020, to be precise) and the Covid terrorised the whole world, and that, too, without any gun or a bomb! Thus the mobiles transformed in to an essential educational tool. Well, the question was to learn or not to teach! 

Come August, 2022, and the wheels had turned full circle. Offline teaching had begun anew, and the mean mobiles were miserable distractions! The very same teachers and parents who cajoled students to use mobiles now fumed and frothed at the mouth, if the m-word was so much as pronounced!

Well, times change, and how we change according to the times, tough or tender! Some proof that change is the only constant!

Pratima@ "Change is inevitable, growth is                             optional", opines John E.                                       Maxwell. Touche!

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