Friday, July 22, 2022

Language study

 Without fail, i practice my foreign languages daily. It is true a language is a skill, and it literally enters your blood stream. You never forget it actually. Even if you were to try it after quite some while, you may fumble just a little, but the language would come back to you. Yet why run the risk? 

Hence the daily practice. The only exception is my Japanese. I am okay with the spoken part of it. The written part, however, especially the Kanji stroke order is too much an investment of time. Anyways, if necessary, i would be comfortably able to teach the basic most level. So!

Well, with Revolution 4.0 around, languages are going to matter a lot as communication is going to be the key. Is not that rather obvious with so many translators and Alexa's around? Lost to the Covid aftershocks, the 'janta,' is yet to warm up to this stark reality. In the meantime, long live language studies as languages are a long term investment, they say. I think that they are friends forever, once you are acquainted with them up and close.

Pratima@Languages leverage a lot!

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