Sunday, July 31, 2022

The ITR days!

 The last week of each July is real taxing. In each sense of this term. Yes, the last week of July is the period to file income tax returns, and most all tax payers, forever praying for a possible extension, generally behave in a taxed way during this period.

Well, if you belong to the lucky minority whose office itself looks after every detail and each complexity, your only duty is to sign on the dotted line. Very few Indians belong to the organised sector anyways. As a result, such lucky blokes are real few.

Rest all have to run around for each tax cut, and every tax deduction. Most bank employees, to begin with, pretend to perfection that they are anyways very busy, that the machines are very much efficient in general, but are caught unawares during the last few days. The tense wait for each certificate and every signature is quite literally "breath taking".

At last, the magic mantra  the i/t being e-filed flashes on the mobile screen, and the week, lo and behold, is finally over. Each year you promise yourself, you would never suffer the nail biting finish, but, but, the July last week has a trick up its dotted line!

Pratima@ And thus continueth the tense feel!

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