Sunday, July 10, 2022

Scaliest Scandalmongers

 I was watching this very British tirade against boring Boris! Voila, i realised we have hereabouts many versions of the same phenomenon. Let us look at one such creep.

Let us call him Rahul? Oh, no, it would unnecessarily get political, right? Actually, the very name, like the person under description, is very filmy and dramebaaz. But why get in to ugly mud-slinging? 

Oh, of course, writing about such a person is like fighting with the swine. The pig loves it, and you get dirty. That is okay, nay necessary at times, as such creeps do NOT otherwise understand anything at all, given their skin thicker than that of a poor rhino.

Okay, let us call the cheapie, Deepak. I chose that name for two reasons. To begin with, there is only darkness around such cheap versions. If at all they are good at anything beyond licking every available organ of all those in power, it is only at gossiping, back-biting, spreading nutty and nasty falsehoods. 

They are the best sources especially when it comes to knowing the "most false lie". Yes, as far as anything approaching truth goes, there is only darkness in and around such monsters. 

Want the creepiest falsehood? You do not even have to do anything. You might just be quietly eating your breakfast after a tough language lecture in the Univ mess, and such a creep with a creepier friend, belonging to the minority, moreover, would both sprawl themselves in seats bang opposite you, and vomit such nonsense about the sexual preferences of a professor that you would feel like puking out the very little stuff that you are somehow pushing down the gullet. 

First and foremost, you would not even understand who, what, and most importantly, why, and still more importantly, why in front of me? After your initial shock gets over, you feel like tapping Deepak Dandy  very  kindly on the back with, "beta, go home, take better care there, okay?"

Let me give you another instance of the magnificent creativity of such crooks when it comes to cooking up scandals that never existed. The cutsie-wutsie Deepak, actually Darpok would be a better description and nomenclature, would call an innocent girl, with no relation in the matter whatsoever, the girlfriend or even the widow of somebody just because His Highness felt like it. 

In a very filmy language, he would describe the poor girl "Bhai ki widow". Now, when did they get married in the first place? Were the Bhai and the girl ever seen together at least once over a cup of coffee or a plate of dosa that the Bhai sumptuosusly fed other fatties at Vaishali, for instance? Who gives such crooks the right to tarnish clean lives?  Especially when their own womenfolk are nothing to write home about?

Oh, ya, my mistake, i forget. Bade bap ke bete hote hai na janab! So all activities, except vrooming here and there on (and/or in) the latest mean machine, are extra. Born with a platinum spoon in mouth, they spout wordy and empty Marxism for convenience. 

Given the platinum spoon, and other such apparatus hopefully at the right place, unlike the non-existent brain or heart, there are thus  "connections" (and moneybags) enough to land a plush job, with a golden handshake at the right time  to be 'a free bird', and thus harass others who have nothing at all to do with them! Even at sixty, such specimens believe that their 'mast(i) time' is on! How would it worry them that not everyone has a readymade Papa-wala business to fall back upon!

Now the second reason why call such yuck stuff Deepak, and let me end this narration about nausea in human form.  Old granny types seem to love such vermin. Once i was deep in to teaching something rather difficult online, and this old lady, older than Aai, started squeaking "Deepak,Deepak", out of the blue, rather crazily and, oh, yes, in a worrisome way, given that advanced (st)age.

 What could one do even otherwise, one wonders! May be, pray that God, poor soul though given this horrible duty, might choose to light-en such sockets of darkness!

Pratima@No, I am not bitter, but i do titter                       at cheap scandal mongers.

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