Monday, July 11, 2022


 The internet has indeed opened the floodgates for infotainment. For one thing, the countless youtubers are very much an alternate medium. As they are not exactly tied up with promoting a particular group with a specific agenda or ideology, they often come up with a refreshing content and an oppositional point of view. Often the analysis is quite incisive, too. Wonders they are, in brief.

Yet another interesting contribution originates from the numerous videos. At times, they are quite crazy, too. There was this seven minutes long video on babies farting! Of course, i did not watch it. But the weird idea seemed to tickle an enormous number of international viewers!

Often the cutest videos are from pet parents. Often the owners have a kitty and a doggie. Lovely and quite incredible are the videos of the friendship between these two traditional enemies. There was this one of a small kitten cuddling right next to a huge lab, and snapping at anyone approaching the sleeping giant who soon woke up to a huge yawn, and promptly proceeded to lick up the baby kitty in to shape!  Equally incredible are the man-beast friendship videos.

Any number of listicles, a huge mountain of 'how to' videos, vlogs, travel-logs, cookery videos, and so on, the internet seems to be a mine of info where the content is the king crowned by gems of creators!

Pratima@Wonders never cease when the                            medium, as Marshall MacLuhan                         would put it, makes the message.

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