Friday, December 22, 2023

Love thy heart! Heal thy heart!

 The title of the blog today is hyper romantic. Its content, however, is hardly so. Well, i listened this evening to the Head of the Cardiology Department,  AIMS, New Delhi, The talk was under the aegis of the New Indian Express. This online talk ended with Ten Commandments.

Let me share a few here. Exercise regularly. Avoid obesity, especially the huge bulge around the waist/stomach. Keep the weight, diabetes and blood pressure under control. The cardinal sin in the opinion  of the expert was tobacco in any form.

Extremely relevant suggestions he made regarding the use of blood thinners and cholesterol medications. Well, as Aai's care giver for some fifteen years, all these issues, including the CPR and the golden hour sorbitrate have been my good friends.

I suppose with the new variant of our dear frenemy, Corona, looming large on the world horizon, it is better to be absolutely aware of all such issues. In fact, on a wapp group, there was this message that all above forty should not immediately get up and get going from the bed. The advice was to sit up for three minutes and then get going. The reason provided was that due to the cold climate, arteries and veins compress which, of course, I found suspiciously unscientific and quite crazy because by this logic, whatever would happen to the people in the West would be unimaginable, right?

In my opinion, acidity is also a major issue. Often, its symptoms appear like those of a heart attack. Hence the need to keep it under control. Excessively spicy and oily food hence must be avoided, too. I suppose, this rule applies to even the under thirties, a group suffering from heart attack these days! 

That brings us back to the arch enemy of the heart and the brain, that is, stress. The specialist discussed it as well in detail. May be, each individual needs to develop his/her own ways to deal with it, and must!

Well, the heart is so tiny and yet rules the whole show. Hence the title of the blog, heal-n-help thy heart! Love thy heart!

Pratima@ The heart is in its place, and can make heaven of a hell, and a hell of heaven. With due apologies to Milton!

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