Tuesday, December 19, 2023

War Zone

 A siren afar, or is it near, blares.

 A police van? An ambulance? Who cares!

Masses to safety scurry like mice.

Against them is loaded every dice.

On unsteady knees the aged hobble.

On moldy stinky slices children nibble.

Which world power sides with whom?

No midwife to help, from womb to tomb

Straight they go, the baby mask a little askew

Sphinx eyes' Cyclops stare already mildewed

Hope for humanity washed down the drain

Makeshift tent shivers, blasted untimely rain

Abandon all hopes, ye who enter here!

Aeons away festive star pitieth shame mere!

Pratima@Dedicated to every refugee camp, be it Gaza or be it the 'Gazwa-e-Hind' h(a)unted Kashmiri Pandits' at Jammu!

Horrors of every war

against humanity itself

is the theme of my sonnet today 

that describes a typical refugee camp!

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