Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Star Dust

 The wonders Mother Nature shares with us so very bountifully are indeed very many.  Yet beyond this earth, there are gorgeous beauties that literally illuminate every dark (w)hole in the space. Want proof? Watching the full moon, or for that matter, the crescent moon, is an illuminating experience in every sense of the term. 

Why, every sunrise and every sunset tend to be sheer poetry. Intimacy does not dull the colourful beauty of these daily events. Every morning creates a unique pallette in the sky, and every evening ends with a darkening lining to that spectacular show called the sunset when the sky and the horizon seem to merge in to each other passionately.

If such is the spatial beauty near the earth, imagine that vast canvas called the space.  What a great wonder is the rainbow even when single! To watch it as a double, two rainbows nestled  in each others' arms, is simply divine.

One such space-ial event is the shooting star. Watching it is blissful. A flame of light runs passionately to the earth. So lovely and lyrical  is the sight that most cultures associate it with a good luck charm. Literally star dust it is! It is part of the tail end of a comet. While entering the orbit of the rotating earth, the particles catch fire before hitting the earth, and in the process, light up the very space!

Watching the meteorite shower is itself a blessing. No need actually to wish on it! It is believed that the wish comes true. It has to, given the gorgeous  beauty of the shooting star.

No wonder, watching the Milky Way made of very many solar systems, galaxies, planets, stars, moons, and countless such shooting stars is beatitude  itself. Divine experiences these are. All the laws of Physics, Astronomy are pushed to the back of the logical analytical mind, and we are permanently bound within a cosmic beauty that is forever.

Pratima@"Beauty is Truth" indeed!

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Worth remembrance

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