Friday, December 8, 2023

Appalling Oligarchy

 Oligarchy is a phenomenon that spreads its tentacles in every field, at least metaphorically. Oligarchy literally means the power of the few. Believe me, this self-sustaining, self-satisfied and self-perpetuating mode of dominance is NOT restricted only to financial and/or political cliques.

This rule of/by/for the few is in every field. The worst of these power-centers is, of course, the intellectual arena. Remember G.B.Shaw talking of the oligarchy of the intellectual(s)? In contemporary India, there is this bitter battle by n against the "urban naxals". 

Utmost self-serving are such grandees.  They speak and write in the most democratic tone. Their actual behaviour is utmost oligarchic though. They see to it that only their own family-n-friends, whether capable/creative or not, must get plum posts. Their children alone must join the best schools/colleges.

They will cry hoarse about the negativities of competition. Their own praxis, however, would be most exclusionary. Their 'gang'/'mafia' types alone, whether capable or culpable, must flourish. No end to back-scratching, string-pulling then/thus! Nor are they ready even to hear, forget 'listen' to,  the alternative points of view.

Post the Internet, and now the AI, (r)evolution, a new oligarchy has emerged. As it is, the big algorithms are already buying-n-building our very beings. In addition, the newer softwares by the day bamboozle us literally beyond belief. 

Actually, in the practical usage of any given software, there is nothing creative or intellectual. Once we get the flowchart, remember-n-revise the few steps, which takes tops three hours, we can manage anything, and a little diffidently initially,  but most confidently very, very soon.

Yet those in the know use such gobbldy-gook and with such serious mien that they make it appear almost like the divine fiat! Let me give you my own example. For the first two attempts, setting up a Google classroom or creating a Google form was tough for me.

 Thereafter setting up/conducting the "g" to zoom meets, creating/importing/exporting Excel sheets/Google enabled tests are a child's play for me. There is NOTHING creative, intellectual, brilliant therein. Never understand why slightly more proficient users,  everywhere and always, think no end of themselves!!! Appalling oligarchy indeed!

Pratima@ Says Alice Walker, "those in power must spend a lot of their time laughing at us". Absolutely acceded, especially when it comes to technocratic oligarchy! Well, technology is just a tool.Why gloat over the fact that, when practised, you can use it a little better?!?

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