Friday, December 29, 2023

The Way to be!

 Do you like to watch videos of  wild animals in their wild habitats? I do! There was this video. I am not exactly sure where it was from, as details were not provided. The accompanying song made me believe that it could be the Krueger Park.

The video showed a pair of majestic lions sharing the siesta time. Oblivious to the whole world around, deep in sleep they were. A sure sign in a way it was of their awareness of their power, as if they knew that none would dare to mess with them.

Walking down the same narrow lane were two huge rhinos. That pair, too, seemed absolutely aware of its huge power. Now rhinos ARE huge. Their walk cannot be nimble and light like that of a deer. It must shake the dirt road beneath their feet.

The sleeping lions must have felt the tremors. They seemed to ignore them completely. The rhinos kept on approaching nearer and nearer by the minute. A huge fight between the two mighty species, one carnivore and the other herbivore, seemed inevitable.

At the last split second, however, the two lions just woke up, and vanished in to the tall grass around. Were they afraid? Did they run away like cowards? So it may look like to a casual observer. I look at it absolutely differently. 

I feel it was a wise decision. No unnecessary clashes, no avoidable bloodshed. No ego issues. Instead, it was the 'live and let live' policy. The best way to live, I believe!

Pratima@Human beings can learn a lot from animals! How I wish Russians versus Americans, via Ukraine, would read my blog, quite an allegory, right?

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