Sunday, December 24, 2023


  Refugees are a sad lot.

  Earth hath nothing more tragic to show.

   Far away from the motherland

   Under the cruel sea that sheds no tears

   God forsaken in tempest tossed dinghies 

    Eerie silence surrounds their eternal exits!

    Enter they not the bright future of dreams

    Savage life they flee, hopes have no echoes

Pratima@ This acrostic is my response to pathetic pictures of small wooden boats, sans safety measures, rotting without a proper coat of paint, toppling in the Mediterranean waters, not so deep, yet drowning dreams of  contraband entries in to a better, safer future forever. The faint smile of the innocent infant, in a huge contrast to all the grim faces of the elders aboard, is truly heart wrenching as thus must have giggled Ailan Kurdi, and countless others before the storm rolled on and the sea gobbled a boat packed to capacity!

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