Friday, December 15, 2023

Man proposes, internet disposes! Indeed is it thus?

 The Internet is a funny creature! Seems to have its own mind. Like look at what is happening to the blogger upload. All the icons clearly say that nothing is the problem. And yet it would not upload. 

A similar problem emerged at the time of the MCQ exam this morning. Suddenly, the internet was down. Why? How? No way of knowing! An entire batch of hundred and twenty students kept on waiting. It took some solid fifteen minutes to restore the interrupted internet. We had to reassure repatedly the students.They were, of course, alloted/allowed extra time. 

At times though, one does get the feeling that that some creepy fool, too, moght be interefering to settle some imaginary/imagined wrong. In fact, as the technology progresses with a supersonic speed, such sick interventions are going to be a major issue. 

Given all such difficulties, the blog today is short, and not exactly the sweetie-pie types. That is okay though. Better be smart than stupid. So signing off for the time being!

Pratima@ With the new techologyy, newer Frankensteins! 

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