Monday, December 18, 2023

Desert Deaf:A Death in Retrospect!

 What is this life, if full of suspicion

 Who hath the time to think or envision?

 Time to deeply doubt, time to worry

 No happy feel in this empty life so sorry!

 Time to hate, time to cast awry aspersion

 And death available for tawdry commission!

 Time to agonise, time to rise to a bait

 Treachery rampant, selfishness THE trait!

What is this life, never ever fair

 Endlessly weep eyes, shedding no tear!

Such, such is death in life, and life is death

Tragedy lingers, in such a life, love a myth!

Deserts sprout pyramids, celebratory tombs 

Mystery shrouds, still-born(e)  the wombs!

Pratima@By sheer chance, rolled out on my mobile screen the video about Sridevi's "accidental" death. Hence this sonnet as a response!

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