Sunday, December 31, 2023

Plans that last

 It is that time of the year! The time when New Year Resolutions are made. Dozens get made. Mostly most fizzle out the very next day! Why does it so happen? Why are New Year Resolutions made only to be abandoned?

May be, most resolutions are planned half- heartedly, more as a "been there, done that" kind of fashion statement than as a passion principle, I suppose. No wonder, such letters are written on the water, to get washed out (eh, flushed out would be a better turn of phrase as it is closer to the truth!) within a week tops.

Which could be the New Year Resolutions that should last forever? Here is a list. May be, you could add a few more. To begin with, my plan is to be a better human being by the day. How to go about it? By being more and more self-reflexive, I suppose. That is to say, analyse the self at the end of the day, find out the dross and the dregs which should be carried on to the next morning only if worth it, right?

Such an analysis of the self is necessary indeed, 'coz none knows which could be the last breath. Yes, such indeed are the times. To give a flippant example, the Pune traffic is such that any minute could be the last moment,especially if you are a pedestrian. No, you do not jay-walk. The vehicles rush over the kerb, too. Such is the road rage! 

The New Year Resolutions, in brief, should not be like the expletives, spluttered and scattered out in a fit. Rather, make such plans that fit your real self. Thus would they reach fruition, right?

Pratima@ To make plans is like making mistakes. Unless you make them, you cannot better them, right? Go ahead, make many. Thus would last more, if any!

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