Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A few jokes more

 Well, my laptop seems to be grouchy. Rather like the mother-in-law in the western world.Today as well, I shall have to do with the jokes as typing a blog on the mobile is tough.

I have consciously chosen to turn the paradigm upside down by concentrating on the wife's mother as the mother-in-law because this genre is comparatively less known in India.I am choosing, moreover, such jokes that do not directly maul a woman, but rather make fun of "attitude ". 

There is this cartoon which shows a wife welcoming her mother and simultaneously, the son-in-law is calling up an insurance agent to guard his life with a policy. Then there is this joke wherein a Man takes his dog to the veterinarian and asks him to cut the tail of his dog. The surprised vett says,"But why? There is nothing wrong with the tail." Promptly answers the son-in- law, "My mother-in-law is coming this evening. And I want nothing in my home to suggest to her that she is Welcome!"

Quite funny and harmless. At times, the mother-in-law jokes can be a great play on words, but with a harsh content. Listen to this son-in-law who declares, "Of course, I have a soft spot for my mother-in-law. It is in the backyard, and freshly dug!"

Pratima@ banter is better?

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