Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Defining Friendship

Defining Friendship
Now is the time to talk about the precise  definition of friendship. The entire celebration is now over, a  celebration undoubtedly driven by market forces, like all other 'days'.
It is certainly right to feel a little queasy about the monetary trappings.
Try as I do my level best, I cannot be  so very enthu about the market variety, a monster .in its own way. Nor do I cynically dismiss the day merely through the market forces either.
So this definition of friendship that explains why there must be a day, at least one such  day re(de)fining the possible meaning of friendship beyond all pretensions and high-faultin hypocrisies, and/or money/market muscling in on friendship. 
Friendship, in my opinion, is that silence which needs no words to celebrate the other because such a celebration comes from the understanding which comprehends the silences, the non-said, the unsaid as the said.
May I point out that the filial relationship often has this base? A mother/a father 'knows, understands' what the child has never said, and vice versa, and hence is the best, lifelong friendship!
Pratima @ a friend in need of words may not be a friend in deed/indeed!

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