Sunday, August 22, 2021


 The Rakhee Pournima as usual was celebrated with all its razmataaz. Was a rather difficult day emotionally, but throughout this year, it is going to be so. Inevitably time flies away, but the "bandhan" is eternal. So it continues to be a wound that is tear tender, and is most easily lacerated. 

Actually,  in Maharashtra, it is the Narali Pournima, a prayer for calm seas, now that the monsoon would already be playing the retreat "band". Of course, nothing is now 'that' regular as in yesteryears! Human interference in the natural order has already invited many a disaster. For me, Narali Pournima is ever the occasion to remember Papa's love for Raju, as Papa would without fail offer a coconut to the sea, given Raju's shippie profession.

Rakhi as a festival that is nation wide is more a creation of the Bollywood, and the market forces in its wake. Does not matter much though. In this hectic life of ours, vrooming back to the pre-covid pace beyond any online zoom meets, such moments of togetherness matter. We can make it meaningful as a day dedicated to our siblings, right? So let us keep on looking forward to the line up of such togetherness-es that would bind us in to " band-han"s/ bonds galore.

pratima@ in certain bonds, is a unique freedom

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