Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 In this Self Obsessed World, made much worse by the Corona corrosion, most all meanies are out to deceive others in multiple ways. What such small souls do not realise is the fact that they thus lose on credibility, and forever.

 Actually, it is credibility alone that can stand a human being in good stead. If you deceive a person knowingly, the person would regret his/her mistake of believing you, could get that work completed by someone else. It is you who has added to your own bad "karma", as it is known, which is sure to haunt you in myriad ways. So why harass in any way?

Actually, Aai-Papa brought up all the three of us in a very ethical, honest, ideal way. There is no way hence that we would ill-treat or harass anyone in any way.

But, now-a-days, I feel that life is not so straight in any sense of this term. In the current scenario, perverts of all types, some of them power crazy perverts, some of them money crazy and hence pervert, some of them with a pervert mentality and/or sexuality are trying their level best to harass a Person Superior to such mean creatures in every which way. 

In a world of wicked perverts, it is wrong to be harassed. It gives a kinky kick to such dominating dastards. No need to confront them unless and until you have solid proof that cannot be prevaricated by buffoons of all varieties.

Anyways, for harassment to be successful, just as a sadist (whatever might be one of his kinks described above) is required, equally necessary is a masochist. The best way to face harassment is to establish efficiently but quietly that you refuse to play the masochist game.

Instead,I believe, in such a victim position imposed on one, one should directly or subtly let everyone in one's safety net know everything that is happening to one. All along, one must continue with all the aspects of one's creative, intellectual work that would prove all the canards of the sadists as lies. 

The best way to answer a fool is to ignore such weak wicked wonks, and all along continue to make your line so, so much longer and deeply etched that the sadistic fools would never ever be to wipe it out either as an individual or as mafiosi gangsters who may parade to be gentleman!Gentleman, phew, poor wor(l)d!

pratima@to thine own self, be true and forever


Worth remembrance

 March 8 is the day women are showered with praise, hugely, in heaps and heaps. Literally, women are drenched in admiration on March 8. On t...