Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Mother Feel

 Today it is Aai's fifth mensual death anniversary. How time flees!Like a thief! Stealing a precious person, a really  relevant relationship from me, from us! And,yet, despite this fleeing time, like a river in spate, her memory stays afloat, sheer beautiful and pure, like a swan, all the dross getting washed away.

And what a coincidence! Today it is the birth anniversary of Mother Teresa, who herself an ideal teacher, died on September 5. Right now, however, what seems truly touching to me is that today they both, Aai and Mother, share between them this Day.

Sure, their spheres were so very vastly different. Yet the intense feel was the same, the deeply loving care for the child. If Aai could pull out of the jaws of death her child, Mother cared for all the rejects of the rejects. Sure, Mother's care had a vast scale, but this quantitative difference apart, the quality of the deep feel was the same.

In fact, for Mother Teresa, even the unborn child deserved a deep bond. Just as Aai would share a feel for her Baby right from inception, Mother could care for someone else's foetus. There could be issues regarding this stance as there was a furore about many aspects of Mother's charity. Of/for a public figure, such a coercive/corrosive look at the flip side of her contribution is but inevitable.

Her work, moreover, reveals an interesting facet of the motherly feel, namely, that motherhood is not merely physical. Rather, it is a feel, an emotion. Of that EQ and SQ underlying the mother quotient, More discussion some other time.

Right now, I would like to remember that Mother's work was much honoured, beatified, venerated. For Aai, the consecration of her Love And Care continue to be our lives, being and becoming batter and better still, every which way, till the last second, without a lost minute, and thus our true and total return gift to Aai, and,yes, beyond doubt, to Papa!

Pratima@as God cannot be everywhere, He created Mother!

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