Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Mother's Heart

May be, this anecdote is an apocryphal story. It reveals a lot about a mother's heart though. 
Once upon a time, as  stories go, there was this son. He was his mother's heart beat. Literally. Once he had a tiff with his wife. To placate her, in that mood of a truce, he asked her what she would like as a gift.
The wife, waiting for some such moment, a great opportunity to get rid of her mother-in-law whom she detested given her husband's love for her, promptly jumped at the Godsend, or rather the stupid husband send. 
She insisted she wanted his mother's heart as proof of his devotion. Well, the son was  not smart like Lord Ganesha who circumambulated around his parents as a token  traverse of the entire universe.
So he promptly did the needful, and was scurrying back faithfully to wifey dear when he slipped in a crater on the road which even those days resembled the lunar surface.
As he was trying to balance himself, the mother's heart in his hands fell down with a thud. When he tried to lift it, said the mother's shattered heart, "my dear, did you hurt yourself?"
That is Mother's Love which even in death wants the son's welfare, which would not even think of cursing the heartless progeny.
In the original story, there is no reference to the father. Most probably, the mother raised the son after his death, all alone. I am absolutely sure though that even if it were the father's heart, it would have exclaimed the same way.
That is 'the' Parental Love. The heart, in the art, that is, the story, may be the property symbolically. As the story implies though, the welfare of the child is the only concern of parents "in life and beyond life" as the insurance taglne goes. 
In brief, the child is the world for them. Hence the need to care for them, give them succour, and beyond any laws the government is now forced to draft!
Pratima@ parents' care in both the senses of the term 

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