Thursday, August 12, 2021

An acrostic after a long time

 Money bringeth Thee price, only this much

 Others, then, for their profit, Thee touch

 Them Thou mattereth not that much

  Harm alone thus Thee reacheth as such!

  Enough of this wicked world, is Thy wish

  Re-turn Thou to Thy Makers to  flourish!

After many a days, have I attempted an acrostic poem. Such a poem begins each line with the letters in a given word. In the case of our blogpost, it is 'mother'. 

I have consciously written it as a sestet. The quatrain and the couplet are thematically arranged as problems of the  wearying world which the blessings by parents "re-solve". 

In addition to the rhyme and rhythm (mostly iambic tetrameter, with a trochee), I have consciously used the archaic language with the religious overtones. Hope you like the acrostic. I keep on attempting this type of verse now and then because Aai liked crossword puzzles a lot

Pratima @ pain, pain, go away/thou canst  not me so sway!

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