Sunday, August 1, 2021

More analyses

The theme "can parents be friends?" becomes more focal today as it is the Friendship Day today. A good friendship means to understand and to be understood. Parents can be friends in this sense. In fact, they are the best audience in the whole world. They 'listen' to us, they 'hear' us out. They are `active listeners' as contemprorary commnication theory goes.

In my opinion though, the best definition of friendship is rooting for each other and making space for each other to bloom and blossom. In this sense, the best friends would indeed be parents. Nobody. except parents, is so selflessly, without any jealousy or a sense of competition, be happy when we are in a `win-win' situation.

The best conclusion to the parents as friends debate hence would be `limits define paradigms'. In brief, be friends with parents, but do not except them to be your 'partners in crime', right?

pratima@a friend makes us laugh louder, cry nary a tear and live longer !


  1. So true. I think Parents are our Best Friends Forever. They never leave us in our difficult times.
    Happy Friendship Day!

  2. Indeed, Akanksha!
    Thus endeth the generation gap as Devesh in our BEC batch would say.


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