Friday, August 27, 2021

A mother is born

 Let us explore a unique, touching and yet amusing paradox today. When is a mother born? What a question to ask, you would say, right? A mother is born obviously on her birthday! For sure! Yet I have a different take and a delightful answer to this question.

A mother is born when a child is born, I think. Oh, no, I am not leading you back to that eternal egg-hen dilemma in a new garb. What I mean to say is that surely when the first child is born, actually when every child is born, a mother is born, too.

Physically indeed it is as good as her rebirth, especially if it is a normal, non-Caeseran birth. Beyond that though, with a child's birth begins a brand new phase of her life, of  her self, too. She has to constantly re-invent herself, begin anew, all over yet again, every thread of her identity. For her, too, the very feel is a re-newing, a re-making, a re-building of herself. Now that I have broached this topic, what do you feel about it? Agree with me? And, oh, yes, I am not being flippant. Not at all. I will explore the theme in depth yet again. 

Right now a "good night" because today I stand certified as a totally vaccinated citizen! I need to nurse that new avataar of mine at least tonight or may be throughout this weekend, right? Hence a quick "au revoir" right now.

Pratima@  a Baby born, a mother (re)born

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