Monday, August 23, 2021


 I get to read many a post on varied research groups. Post lunch, I read a terrible prognosis about the dreaded Covid on one such site. First I counter checked it for veracity. Apparently, it was authentic!

Despite the troublesome projection, it is comforting to know that the medical fraternity, under the aegis of the government and its agencies/institutions, thus gets 'breathing space', both literally and metaphorically, to put the health system on top gear. None wants yet again those dreaded days haunting the very life.

Indeed, preparedness is all. I am indeed thankful to Aai-Papa for inculcating it is us. Such readiness reduces stress, a state of mind absolutely needed now as otherwise Cortisol can kill. 

We could face the rough and the low of life because Plan B was ever ready, at least as a rough draft. We could hence resiliently bounce back from any bothersome brink. Any nightmare, that frenemies could diss up, could not disturb much as the worst was already thought through, and thus lost its vicious sting. No difficulty dared hence to despise us. Not mere prudence, preparedness added to our IQ and EQ. Praise be to Papa-Aai for thus making us wise, psychologically healthy, and hence happy!

Pratima@pre-empting prejudiced plans

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