Sunday, October 10, 2021

Staying fit mentally:Five points, everyone!

 As it is the world mental health day today, let us discuss five most important exercises that are sure to help us stay fit psychologically. Sure, there are many, many more. Why, by the hour, gets minted a vlog, an article or a book on this subject. As the list is endless, each to his own. Why bore readers? So the magic number, five!

The most important one, I would say, is being optimistic. This includes, incidentally, being somewhat unsure, a little worried when the going gets tough. Basically, what we need, I would say, is being able to see the silver lining, however dark the cloud. Thus we are avoiding the toxic positivity as well because it is hypocritical to maintain in a stupid way that "all is well" when it is not. Optimism refers to the ability to continue believing in and working for better possibilities even if the current contexts seem impossible in every which way.

The second one, I would say, is accepting yourself. Sure, one works on oneself, one's faults, and thus becomes a better version of oneself by the day. Yet when you accept yourself, you do not ever even feel the need to compare yourself with anyone else, busy as you are with being and working on yourself.

The third one , I would say, is accepting that you cannot change people and/or contexts just because you wish to. Instead, being adaptable,one becomes the change one wants as far as possible. When it is not probable to do so, one distances oneself from the context. Thus one can maintain peace and balance. Anyways, it is always better to be miles away from toxic people.

The fourth one would be to have a rough regimen for  the day, eating healthy, drinking water and mild exercise. Healthy mind in a healthy body, right? If you have a rough plan for the day, you manage time for everything, including the famous "me time", right?

Now we come to the last and the least. In my opinion, it is to laugh in a healthy way, at yourself, at the crazy context, for instance. Laughter is indeed the best medicine.

So here is wishing a " stay fit n be a hit" on this mindful occasion.

Pratima@happiness is where the heart is.

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